Marie-Laure Acolas

Conservation Biology Research Scientist

INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux, Unit EABX

Marie-Laure Acolas does research in Fish Ecology and Conservation Biology. Her research is mostly focus on conservation of endangered species, migration behavior of anadromous fishes, aquaculture practices within the frame of stocking program and influence of environmental factors on fish life history traits.

She is the coordinator of the REVE project. She also participate to DiadES project within WP6 task (tagging project) and to Shad’eau through the co-supervision with A. Bardonnet of a PhD student on ecology of young stage of Allis shad. She will carry out a joint presentation with Joern Gessner and Eric Rochard, which will focus on European and Atlantic sturgeon restoration programs.

Talk: Lessons from A. sturio and A. oxyrinchus restoration programs